Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dwarf bleeding heart blooms, a strawberry and scapes on etched eyes!

I bought three dwarf bleeding hearts from spring hill this year and they were so tiny I thought they wouldn't bloom this year. They did!

Here is a picture of my first strawberry this season.

Here is my most exciting news, signs of daylily season! Nichole gave me a piece of etched eyes yesterday. Today she showed me a scape in her yard on wisest of wizards. It was quite large already and had many branches off it. I searched every daylily in my garden except for this one because I saw it yesterday and there was nothing. Well just a little while ago I checked on it and there are two scapes!

Here are few more pictures


awaytogarden said...

I love the Enya cut you chose, have loved Peconic River Herb Farm from Day 1 and am happy to have seen you on my blog.

Anonymous said...

three sad faces in your window, how cute